The nesting season for the observed storks in the village of Dragushinovo has ended successfully

The nesting season for the pair of white storks in the village of Dragushinovo (Samokov municipality), whose nest was monitored thanks to a special camera set up within the project Life for Birds, has successfully ended. The storks were able to raise three small ones that left the nest in mid-August.

The village of Dragushinovo is the settlement with the most active stork nests in Bulgaria – 44. That is why it is here in March that the project team installs the nest monitoring camera. On May 2, the first stork from the observed nest hatched, and on May 3 – the other two. Thanks to the daily online observations, we have witnessed different habits and characteristics in the behavior of one of the most beloved bird species.

With the advent of spring, CEZ Distribution Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) launched a series of measures to protect the white stork under the Life for Birds project. Within one of the key activities under the project, CEZ Distribution Bulgaria will install a total of 900 platforms for lifting stork nests. This will reduce the incidents and minimize the threat to stork life as a result of the network elements. The platforms will help protect the environment by preventing fires and will reduce the number of power interruptions caused by bird contact with the network.

The three young storks in the village of Dragushinovo are facing their first major challenge in life – the autumn migration to Africa. Next year, at the beginning of March, we will look forward to the return of the Stork family and continue to follow their lives with interest, thanks to the camera.