The project is part of the European Union’s Living Program and costs 2, 65 million Euros.
CEZ Distribution has launched a project to protect the life and health of birds and to provide opportunities for safe breeding. The project is a continuation of the long-term policy of the company for biodiversity conservation. The company’s efforts in this direction help to protect the power distribution network from fires as a result of the ignition or interruption of the supply of birds.
The initiative will be implemented over 5 years and within its framework, the company will install 4,000 safety and 3600 risk signaling facilities and will install 900 platforms to raise nests of storks. They will be developed, produced and tested, as well as standards for power lines conducive to birds.
With the assistance of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB), a partner in the distribution of projects in CEZ, the activities will be carried out in 19 special areas of protection under the EU Birds Directive, part of the Natura 2000 network. BSPB will identify important sites the birds in which their habitats are located, which will ensure the appropriate and fruitful implementation of the activities provided by ČEZ Distribution.
The project “Conservation of Endangered Species of Birds by Disposal of Hazardous Ducts in Natura 2000 Protected Areas in Western Bulgaria”, LIFE16 / NAT / BG / 000612, has a budget of 2.65 million Euro. Its implementation is in line with the long-standing tradition of CEZ Distribution in the implementation of bird protection activities. Since the beginning of the electricity distribution company on the Bulgarian market, the company has protected 620 wells by installing platforms specially designed to protect the birds against electric shock and 520 stairs. Up to now, CEZ Distribution has so far invested over BGN 100,000 in biodiversity conservation.