Activities are part of the Birds Life Project, implemented jointly with BSPB

CEZ Distribution takes measures to protect the life of the birds and to protect the electricity distribution network from damages that have resulted so far in the Pernik region. The activities are part of the large-scale project “Life for birds” implemented in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) on the territory of Western Bulgaria.

In the course of the project, field surveys were carried out and the most risky birds on the net were located. After analyzing the data, 77 stork nests were identified in the Pernik region, posing a threat to the life of the birds and posing a fire hazard on the electricity distribution network. CEZ Distribution Bulgaria will secure the nests by installing special platforms for their lifting and will create a safe home for 77 pairs of storks and their little ones.

In order to attract public attention to the opportunities for preservation of biodiversity and improvement of the urban environment, CEZ Distribution organized a competition for drawings on distribution boxes in Pernik. The young artists Veronika Mileva and Boyana Nestorova have made their beautiful projects related to the birds and the electricity distribution network on the electric power facilities in the city center.

The “Life for birds” project, officially entitled “Conservation of Endangered Species by Safeguarding Hazardous Air Pipelines in Natura 2000 Protected Areas in Western Bulgaria”, LIFE16 / NAT / BG / 000612, has a budget of 2.65 million . €. CEZ Distribution invests in it over 800 thousand euros, as well as human resources for its implementation. A € 1.85 million grant is provided by the European Commission under the LIFE Program of the European Union.

The project will be implemented by 2022, and by then the company will install 4,000 safety and 3600 risk-signaling facilities and will install 900 platforms to allow birds to safely nest on elements of the power distribution network.