BSPB enables again the tracking of life in the stork nest live

CEZ Distribution Bulgaria secured 355 stork nests for the last permit period September 2019 – February 2020. The activities were carried out within of the project “Life for birds”, implemented in partnership with BSPB / Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds /.

As part of the project, the company secured 459 pillars in eight different power lines in the protected area of the Kresna Gorge, on the territory of Vrachanski Balkan Nature Park, Persin Protected Area in the Pleven District, in the area of Dupnitsa and Montana. In the Persin area, the company also installs 138 power line marking devices that reduce the risk of bird collisions.

This year, after the state of emergency, CEZ Distribution will start securing 1132 pillars in 26 different power lines in Gotse Delchev, Sandanski, Petrich, Slivnitsa and Svoge, and then in the next permitting period for stork nests, the company plans to secure another 300 nests.

For the second consecutive year, the bird protection project partner BSPB gives the opportunity to monitor through a webcam, the life of storks in a nest in the village of Dragushinovo, Samokov Municipality. This can be done at free-webcambg.com in the Miscellaneous section.

The project “Conservation of Endangered Species of Birds by Securing Hazardous Air Pipes in Natura 2000 Protected Areas in Western Bulgaria”, LIFE16 / NAT / BG / 000612 aims to protect bird life and provide opportunities for safe nesting. The project is a continuation of CEZ’s long-term biodiversity conservation policy.