Field research has started under a project of CEZ Distribution for protection of the life of birds vulnerable to contact with power lines. The tours and analyzes are a key part of the initiative and are being held for the third consecutive year. They will allow the project partners CEZ Distribution Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BSPB / to receive additional information about the risky for the birds overhead power lines in Western Bulgaria.

This year is the last of the field studies and the object of study are the dangerous for birds power lines in specially protected areas in the area of the Rupite, Melnik Pyramids, Mesta River, Western Old Mountain and Middle Forest.

Often in the wild, birds fall victim to electricity when landing on a pole or in a direct collision with power lines. Until the end of November, experts will inspect monthly at risk for birds electricity facilities, pre-determined in a special analysis prepared by GIS experts of CEZ Distribution and BSPB. The conflict zones between the birds and the electricity distribution network are secured in stages within the project.

In parallel with the field research, the activities for research of the impact of the project on target bird species and project sites are started. The field experts will visit power lines already secured in previous stages of the initiative on the territory of Vratsa Balkan, Belene Islands, Svishtov-Belene Lowland and the Nikopol Plateau.

The project “Protection of endangered bird species by securing dangerous for them overhead power lines in Natura 2000 protected areas in Western Bulgaria” is co-financed by the Life Program of the European Union. Its implementation is a natural continuation of the long-term policy of CEZ Distribution Bulgaria and BSPB for the protection of biological diversity – protection of bird life and ensuring the possibility of safe nesting. Its duration is 63 months and will last until December 2022.