The initiative is part of the Life for Birds project, implemented jointly with BSPB

EDG West and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds / BSPB / are launching an art competition on the topic “Electric poles – home of wild birds.” The initiative is aimed at children and adults who recognize the cause of biodiversity conservation and would like to turn their ideas into drawings.

The deadline for submitting art projects is from May 4 to May 20, 2022 at the email address communications@electrohold.bg. The approved works will be included in an exhibition in the lobby of the administrative building of the company, which will be organized on the occasion of 30 years since the establishment of the Natura 2000 network.

It is necessary that the projects must include wild birds in contact with elements of the electricity distribution network. Drawings in jpeg and pdf formats are accepted, regardless of how they are made. Each drawing must be submitted with feedback data.

Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas in the European Union. The purpose of its creation is to ensure the preservation of the most valuable and endangered natural habitats and naturally occurring species of animals and plants.

The aim of this initiative is to promote the Life for Birds project, which is implemented in specially protected areas of the Natura 2000 network and includes field research, prototyping of bird-safe poles, providing opportunities for safe nesting, installation of protective and marking facilities and other activities for protection of the life of birds, vulnerable to the contact with the electricity distribution network.

Electrohold Press Center